WalT node installation


The WALT server exposes the content of walt images to nodes using netboot-compatible protocols (TFTP and NFS). Thus, WalT nodes can boot their OS over the network. This means that the walt image is never transfered as a whole to the node: it remains on the server.

Given this fact, walt nodes just need a network bootloader configured appropriately.

WalT can handle various kinds of nodes, and users can even add support for a new kind of node easily. Check-out walt help show new-node-support for more info.

Installation files can be found at https://github.com/drakkar-lig/walt-project/releases/latest.

The following sections will show how to set up a new node, depending on its model. Then, last section will explain how walt users can start to use such a new node.

PC nodes

Any PC can be turned into a walt node.

If the PC supports PXE booting, the procedure is obvious:

  1. Connect the PC to the WALT network.

  2. Select “PXE booting” as the first boot option (by using the BIOS/firmware screen).

If not, download image pc-usb.dd.gz at https://github.com/drakkar-lig/walt-project/releases/latest. Flash it to a USB flash drive (a small one is enough, the image just needs a few tens of megabytes), using unix tool dd or similar. Then:

  1. Plug the USB flash drive to the PC.

  2. Connect the PC to the WALT network.

  3. Boot on the USB flash drive (by using the BIOS/firmware screen).

The USB image should be compatible with most BIOS-based and UEFI-based machines, and old 32-bits PCs, provided the network bootloader can handle the network card.

Virtual nodes

WalT allows you to create virtual nodes. Virtual nodes are actually kvm virtual machines running on the server. When you list nodes, virtual nodes will be displayed the same as PC nodes, because their virtual hardware reflects the one of a standard PC.

In order to create a virtual node simply run:

$ walt node create <node-name>

And in order to remove it, run:

$ walt node remove <node-name>

Raspberry Pi boards

Hardware tips

WalT supports raspberry pi models B, B+, 2B, 3B, 3B+, 4B, and Pi-400.

We recommend raspberry pi model 3B+ or 4B.

PoE support is usually provided by the official PoE HAT addon board of the raspberry pi foundation.

As an alternative, we have also tested compact external PoE splitters (YuanLey brand) which are cheaper, more silent (no fan), and work fine. Take care on puchasing the right model for powering your board:

  • rpi 4B boards need a splitter model with a USB-C connector,

  • rpi 3B+ boards need a splitter model with a USB micro-B connector.

You will also need at least one SD card for the first bootup (see below). You may use the same SD card to perform this first bootup of each node.

Standard boot method: using a SD card

Download archive rpi-sd-files.tar.gz at https://github.com/drakkar-lig/walt-project/releases/latest. Extract and copy files to a USB flash drive formatted the usual way (1 single partition, FAT32 fileystem). A small one is enough, total size of files is just a few tens of megabytes.


  • insert this SD card in its slot

  • connect the board to the WALT network (and, if PoE is not provided, power it on)

The board will boot as a walt node.

Network boot method: no SD card

Raspberry Pi 3B+ and 4B boards have a more advanced firmware that may be used to boot over the network. In this case, the SD card is no longer needed. However, due to incorrect firmware behavior (3B+ model), eeprom flashing requirement (4B model), and to the fact walt server has to detect the board model, you must boot the board at least once using a SD card (see previous subsection). Once done, you can remove the SD card, and next bootups should work without it.

Important notes:

  • If using a 4B board, the eeprom has to be flashed to allow network boot. This should be done automatically when the board is first booted (with the SD card), thanks to appropriate boot files in rpi-sd-files.tar.gz. However, in order to prevent this operation to repeat each time the board is rebooted, the firmware renames recovery.bin to RECOVERY.000. Thus, if you want to use the same SD card for the first boot of several 4B boards, after each boot rename RECOVERY.000 back to recovery.bin on the SD card before inserting it in another board.

  • This boot method is not as robust as the previous one: if, for any reason, communication with the server is temporarily broken, the board may fail to reboot and hang. (With the other boot method, the board would reboot as many times as required until the communication with the server is recovered.) If PoE is used to power the board, and PoE reboots are allowed on the switch, then walt will allow you to “hard-reboot” (i.e. power-cycle) the board remotely. Otherwise, one would have to manually disconnect and reconnect the power source of the board to unblock it.

  • The SD card is the most fragile part of a raspberry pi board, thus working without it prevents most common hardware problems. Note, however, that the smart bootup mechanism used in walt allows to keep the SD card readonly, which greatly improves its lifetime anyway.

Google Coral Dev Boards

First, follow the standard startup procedure at https://coral.ai/docs/dev-board/get-started. Then run the following on the board (with a proper internet access):

$ cd /tmp
$ wget https://github.com/drakkar-lig/walt-project/releases/latest/download/coral-devb-boot.tar.gz
$ cd /boot
$ mv boot.scr boot.scr.orig
$ tar xfz /tmp/coral-devb-boot.tar.gz

You can now connect the board to a WALT network and it will boot as a WALT node. For PoE, we recommend the compact PoE splitter with a USB-C connector (cf. hardware tips about raspberry pi boards above).

How to identify and use the new node

When WALT server detects a node for the first time, a log line is emitted.

Thus, you should be able to identify the new node by checking the logs as follows:

$ walt log show --platform --history -5m:
10:45:49.188989 walt-server.platform.devices -> new node name=node-f26782 model=rpi-3-b-plus mac=b8:27:eb:f2:67:82 ip=

Important notes:

  • The first time a given model of walt node is connected, the server has to download a default walt image to handle it, which takes time.

  • In this more complex case, the logs will first indicate the new node is a device of ‘unknown’ type, and once the image is downloaded, it will be turned into a real walt node.

  • --platform allows to select platform internal logs (as opposed to experiment logs generated by walt nodes).

  • --history -5m: allows to select logs issued up to 5 minutes ago and up to now (you may increase this number if the node was connected longer ago).

In this example the log line indicates that the new node has been named node-f26782. The hex chars are taken from the right side of the node’s mac address. As soon as the node is identified, it is strongly advised to rename it. A naming scheme such as <type>-<location>-<id> is handy. For instance, considering the node is in room 412:

$ walt device rename node-f26782 rpi3bp-412-A

The new node first boots a default image, thus it belongs to nobody. It will be listed as a “free” node when you use walt node show --all. To make this node yours, run walt node acquire <node> or let it boot one of your images by using walt node boot <node> <image> (see walt help show node-ownership).

Troubleshooting notes:

  • If ever the node failed to boot over the network (this probably means the network or the node bootloader is misconfigured), the server might still detect it but it may not know that this device is a node. In this case walt log show will still print a line but mention a "new device" instead of a "new node". This node will obviously not appear when typing walt node show --all, but it will be listed when you use walt device show. The first time the node boots correctly, its type will be automatically updated and it will appear in the output of walt node show --all.

  • In case of trouble, you can monitor walt service logs on the server, while connecting the new node, by typing journalctl -b -afu walt-server. Or use a network sniffer (such as wireshark).