Welcome to WalT documentation!¶
The WalT project allows to easily build and use your own WalT testbed. Up to now, WalT testbeds have been used for research experiments, medium-sized (e.g., 100 nodes) industrial testing infrastructures, and mobile demo setups.
Scope and design notes¶
WalT is designed as a tool for teammates. If many users want to use WalT, then each team should install its own private WalT platform. Much of the versatility and user-friendliness we advertise comes from this concept of private platform. See walt help show design-notes for more info.
Main features¶
WalT mainly provides the following set of features:
Physical access (see below) and/or remote control over nodes
Compatibility with various kinds of nodes:
Raspberry Pi B/B+/2B/3B/3B+/4B/400 nodes
PC nodes booted from a USB dongle
Virtual nodes
Distant Raspberry Pi nodes using WALT ssh-based VPN (experimental feature)
Management of node OS images
Clone or publish them from/to the docker hub (or a private registry)
Modify them easily (virtual shell sessions, 1-command file copies)
Means to collect, store and query experiment logs
A WALT platform is cost-effective, easy to install, easy to use, lightweight, versatile and collaborative.
Optional features¶
With compliant network switches, WalT also provides the following optional features:
Platform topology automated discovery;
PoE for simplified deployment, possible hard-reboot (power-cycling) of nodes and automatic power saving.
See walt help show optional-features for more info.
A key feature: giving users physical access to nodes¶
WalT platforms provide a high level of versatility: they give users physical access to nodes. At LIG for instance, our main WalT platform network is deployed over a VLAN of the building. Users can plug or unplug walt nodes (or, sometimes, network switches) from the wall plugs depending on the experiments they plan.
Debugging low-level kernel modifications of a network protocol is obviously much easier when having physical access to two or more of these nodes; with such a setup, the user can easily move two WalT nodes right to her desktop.
Moreover, users often use the USB ports of WalT nodes to plug other equipment. For instance it is easy to setup an IoT testbed by connecting IoT boards on USB ports of WalT nodes. In this case, the experiment runs on the IoT boards and WalT nodes are configured as a control interface for them. WalT nodes boot a WalT image containing tools to flash a firmware or reboot the IoT board, and possibly catch the logs coming for the USB-serial link and turn them into WalT logs.
Quick Links¶
Admin documentation¶
For installation and upgrade procedures (server, network switches, nodes, VPN), a general view of WalT network structure, etc., checkout walt help show admin.
Note: as an alternative to a physical platform installation, or to get a first insight of WalT, Grid’5000 users can also deploy WalT on-demand on the Grid’5000 testbed. See walt help show g5k.
User documentation¶
In order to get familiar with main WalT concepts, see walt help show tutorial. To understand why a given user owns a given node or not, and for related aspects of terminology, see walt help show node-ownership.
WalT provides:
direct access to nodes (using
walt node shell
,walt node cp
for instance)access to the underlying operating system image (using
walt image shell
,walt image cp
, etc.)
For details, see:
WalT also provides a logging system to manage your experiment logs (see walt help show logging), python scripting features (see walt help show scripting), and many other features.
Advanced topics¶
For specific needs, it is possible to build your own WalT image from scratch. See walt help show image-from-scratch for more info.
If you want to connect a new kind of node which WalT does not currently supports, check-out walt help show new-node-support.
See walt help show node-bootup for detailed understanding of walt nodes’ bootup precedure.
Developer documentation¶
To participate in the software development of WALT, checkout walt help show developer, the entry point of the developer documentation.
Full table of Contents¶
- Node ownership
- Rebooting WalT nodes
- Updating configuration settings about nodes
- Connecting to a node’s serial console
- Transfering files to or from a node
- Exposing the TCP port of a node
- Changing network mode for a WalT node
- Configuring secondary networks on virtual nodes
- Configuring disks on virtual nodes
- How to use WalT logging system
- How to query & display experiment logs
- Synchronizing a script based on expected logs
- Log checkpoints
- Displaying past logs
- Displaying logs in realtime
- Selecting log issuers
- Adapting log display format
logging toolwalt-log-cat
logging toolwalt-log-tee
logging toolwalt-log-monitor
logging tool